Shocking Discovery: “The Mumbai Giant” – Evidence of a Lost Race of Giants?

In April 1917, on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, an extraordinary event stunned the entire world. A group of workers quarrying stone unexpectedly encountered a giant man, over 8 metres tall, apparently alive. This “giant”, with a long, thick beard and a deep gaze, has sparked an unprecedented debate about the possible existence of a race of giants.


The giant was discovered sitting against a large cliff. At first, the workers thought it was an ancient statue, but as they got closer, they realized it was not stone or any artificial material. It was flesh and blood: a real giant man!

The mysterious figure was dressed in traditional clothing made from what appeared to be a hand-woven fabric, completely alien to any modern material. His enormous feet left deep marks in the ground, and his disproportionately large hands were no match for those of an average human being.


Following the news, anthropologists and biologists from around the world flocked to Mumbai to investigate. Dr. Arjun K. Mehta, a renowned anthropologist at the time, stated, “If this really is a human giant, it could completely change our understanding of human history.”

Preliminary medical examinations were carried out, the results of which revealed astonishing findings. The giant’s skeletal and muscular system was completely different from that of modern humans. His bones were much thicker and stronger, and his blood showed an extremely rare blood group, never before recorded.

Some researchers have suggested the giant could belong to a completely different branch of humanity, or even be living proof of an ancient species that coexisted with Homo sapiens.


The big question is: How could a giant of this size exist in secret for so many centuries? Early theories suggest that it could be a descendant of races mentioned in mythological texts such as the Rakshasa of Hinduism or the Nephilim of the Bible.

Another, more controversial hypothesis, suggests that this giant could be related to extraterrestrial beings. The proponents of this theory point out that its size far exceeds any known limits for terrestrial species. In addition, its biological structure seems adapted to an environment with a gravity different from that of Earth.


After being discovered, the giant was moved to a secret research facility in Mumbai to ensure both its safety and the continuation of scientific studies. Currently, no official reports have been released regarding its health status, but according to unconfirmed sources, the giant can communicate through strange sounds and appears to understand human language.

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