Were the Pyramids of Egypt Built by Giants or Aliens?

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids has long been the subject of fascination and speculation. Among the many theories about their origins, two particularly intriguing ones suggest that giants or extraterrestrial beings could have been responsible for these monumental structures.


Giants as builders

One theory posits that ancient giants were the creators of the pyramids. Proponents of this idea argue that the enormous size and precision of the pyramids would have required a workforce of extraordinary strength and stature. According to these theories, ancient texts and myths could contain references to giants who possessed the physical capabilities necessary for such large construction projects. Supporters believe these giants could have been historical figures or legendary beings whose existence has become obscured over time.


Extraterrestrial influence

Another popular theory suggests that aliens played a role in the construction of the pyramids. Proponents of this idea point to the advanced engineering and astronomical alignments of the pyramids, which they say are beyond the capabilities of the ancient Egyptians with their known technology. They propose that extraterrestrial beings, either as direct builders or through advanced knowledge imparted to the Egyptians, were responsible for the construction of these impressive structures. The pyramids’ precise alignment with the celestial bodies and their complex architectural features are often cited as evidence supporting this theory.


Conventional archaeological view

In contrast to these theories, mainstream archeology supports the view that the pyramids were built by a large workforce of skilled workers and craftsmen. Archaeological evidence suggests that the pyramids were built using well-developed techniques and tools of the time, including ramps and levers. Historical records indicate that thousands of workers, including seasonal workers and skilled craftsmen, participated in the construction projects.

BBC Radio 4 - You're Dead to Me - Ten things the Pyramids tell us about ancient Egyptians

While theories of giants and aliens make for compelling stories, current archaeological evidence supports the idea that the pyramids were built through human ingenuity and effort. However, the appeal of these alternative theories continues to capture the imagination of many, sparking ongoing debates about the true origins of one of humanity’s greatest architectural achievements.

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